Visitor Parking
Visitors may park in any of the visitor parking spots throughout the course of the day. In addition, visitor parking is available in the bus loop from 8:10 am. - 2:30 p.m. Student parking permits can be purchased at the Security Office. The rules for parking on school grounds are as followed:
All Fairfax County Public School rules governing parking and student conduct apply
Students must park in their white numbered space before and during school hours
Leaving school grounds without permission or properly checking out through the subschools will result in the suspension of parking privileges
Vehicles not displaying a valid parking permit will be ticketed
Traffic Patterns
- The CVHS patterns and procedures are designed to ensure everyone’s safety while also accommodating the high volume of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on school grounds.

Entrance #1 (Student Parking lot/Secondary Kiss & Ride)
- Approaching from northbound Union Mill Road; entrance #1 is for the student parking area and the secondary kiss and ride drop-off and pick-up area. The secondary kiss and ride drop-off and pick-up area is located in the rear of the school near cafeteria doors #9. Parents will need to follow the arrows and signage to the drop-off Area. (please do not use door #12 as a drop-off or pick-up area). Parents may continue around the rear of the school to exit via the Bus Ramp or proceed back to entrance #1.
Entrance #2
- Approaching from northbound Union Mill Road; entrance #2 is the bus loop and is used for buses only during morning arrival and afternoon dismal times. Parents and visitors may use this entrance and park near the flagpoles during other time periods of the school day. It is important to note, however, that if you have business at the school in the afternoon your car must be moved from the bus loop prior to the arrival of school buses or you may be blocked in
Entrance #3
- Approaching from northbound Union Mill Road; entrance #3 is for the primary kiss and ride drop-off and pick-up location as well as the primary faculty and visitors parking area. Parents will turn right after entering and proceed to the second set of stairs marked drop-off location. This will allow the maximum amount of vehicles to enter as students are being dropped off. Please be aware that this parking lot is particularly crowded with faculty and staff parking and students who walk to school. Use caution. Parents should exit the lot onto the bus exit ramp and continue back onto Union Mill Road, or proceed to the traffic light controlled exit.
Entrance #3
- Approaching from northbound Union Mill Road; entrance #4 is actually an Exit Only for buses and cars. Do not attempt entry from either north or southbound Union Mill Road.
- The established speed limit for all drivers on school property is 15 MPH.