Honor Code

The code and the pledge

The honor code is essential to preserve the good name and the integrity of the Centreville community. Each CVHS student is required to sign the Wildcat Honor Code at the beginning of the school year.


The Pledge

“I pledge never to cheat, commit fraud, plagiarize, or steal.”
“As a trusted and responsible citizen of the CVHS Community, I, [student name], pledge to uphold all the rules and regulations of the Centreville High School Honor code, and I commit to achieving academic success with honor and integrity. I pledge to do the following:

  • Independently complete assignments and tests unless otherwise instructed by a teacher;
  • Be trustworthy by never lying or falsifying paperwork;
  • Write assignments in my own words as well as give credit to others for their ideas and written work;
  • Submit work that is solely mine and not take ownership of work or property that belongs to someone else
  • Report those who cheat, lie, or steal, rather than condoning misconduct that is not representative of our school standards.”

Submitting content for evaluation that was produced in whole or in part by generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, except for the specific purpose(s) and assignment(s) discussed and authorized by the teacher, constitutes an Honor Code infraction.

Consequences for a first infraction of the Honor Code Policy:

  1. Teacher will submit a discipline referral and contact parents.  
  2.  Verbal warning, incident is recorded in SIS.
  3.  Students will be given another opportunity to complete the assessment correctly with a cap of 80%.

Consequences for a second infraction of the Honor Code Policy: 

  1. Teacher will submit a discipline referral and contact parents.
  2. Student will be assigned to After School Detention (ASD), and the incident will be recorded. 
  3. Student will receive a grade of 50% for the assignment, with no re-take opportunity.
  4. Student membership in any honor societies will be revoked for the remainder of the year. 

Consequences for a third infraction of the Honor Code Policy: 

  1. Teacher will submit a discipline referral and contact parents.  
  2. Student will be assigned to In-School Suspension (ISS), and the incident will be recorded in SIS.
  3. Student will get a grade of 50% for the assignment with no re-take opportunity.