Student Services
Staff information, college and career center, counseling resources, new student registration, transcript request, testing information, and more!
Vision Statement
- Centreville High School Student Services Department envisions that all students will acquire academic, career, and personal/social skills through our comprehensive and data-driven school counseling program to reach their fullest potential. Through advocacy, leadership, and collaboration with stakeholders, professional school counselors will empower students to become college and career ready graduates who become lifelong learners as well as responsible and productive members of our 21st-century global society.
Mission Statement
- The Centreville High School Student Services Department is committed to providing a comprehensive and developmental program that advocates for equity, access, and success for every student. This program addresses the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students in an accepting and safe environment. Through a partnership with students, families, school, and community, we inspire and empower students to be responsible and compassionate citizens as well as life-long learners who lead healthy and productive lives.

Rising Freshmen Course Offerings
The course catalog for rising Centreville 9th-grade students.
Current Students Course Offerings
The course catalog for rising Centreville sophomores, juniors, and seniors.