Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

At Centreville High, our vision is to educate, encourage, and empower each student through a welcoming and caring environment and high quality instruction so that all students can succeed. We crafted school-wide behavior expectations for students and staff to ensure we have an environment where all students are welcomed, supported, and respected. A school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) encompasses the approach we utilize at CVHS to promote positive behavior. This includes developing shared language and incorporating evidence-based practices and procedures to establish a school climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. Our staff has identified the positive behaviors we expect of Wildcats at all times. We are proud to roll out Wildcats R.O.A.R. (Respect, Ownership, Achievement, and Relationships)! More information about R.O.A.R expectations can be found in matrix linked below. For the first couple of months of school, students will learn more about R.O.A.R. during their PLUS Advisory, and learning will continue throughout the year. PBIS has many components and updates are continually being made to best meet the needs of the students and staff. We welcome your input and support!
Adhere to school and staff expectations.
Be a role-model
Demonstrate integrity
Take a meta-moment to think before you act.
Recognize and regulate your emotions.
Take responsibility for your words and actions.
Demonstrate pride in our school.
Adhere to the SR&R.
Show resilience: try, even when an activity is difficult.
Take advantage of resources.
Complete work with integrity and honesty.
Recognize and value diversity.
Consider your impact on others.
Be inclusive.
Solve problems using the RULER blueprint.
CVHS students will receive regular lessons on emotional intelligence skills through the advisory period using the program RULER from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER was developed by Dr. Marc Brackett as a way to teach students skills toward recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing, and regulating their emotions. According to their website, the RULER “approach gives a unique depth and consistency to social and emotional learning that empowers school leaders and teachers to create a genuinely safe space for students to learn and grow.”
At CVHS, we plan to reinforce these skills through regular lessons every two weeks. The 30 minute lessons will occur on Tuesdays during the homeroom or advisory period. There are different lessons for each grade level, and students will progress in their social emotional learning over the high school years. Students will collaborate to create class charters detailing the type of environment they want to experience at CVHS, exploring the various emotions they encounter throughout the day, and discover a variety of strategies for managing their emotions. It is our belief that providing students with these opportunities will improve school climate, student achievement, and overall morale. Research on the RULER program has also found that the program can lead to reduced anxiety and depression amongst students, lower bullying behavior, and improve student relationships with adults, leadership skills, and attention.
You can access the RULER website here.
A brochure with more information about the program can be found here.
For more information on this behavior initiative, please visit