Transcripts and Recommendations

Transcript Request Procedures (Centreville High School)


Transcript Assistant: Kristen Parrott703-802-5453

The CVHS transcript office is in the Student Services office


  • Monday: CLOSED
  • Tuesday: 10:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
  • Wednesday 7:30 A.M.- 11:00 A.M. 
  • Thursday: 10:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
  • Friday: 7:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

Please read below for details regarding the process for obtaining school transcripts for current students or graduates, and for obtaining school counselor recommendations.

Current Seniors!

Unofficial Transcripts can be downloaded from ParentVUE and StudentVUE.

If you need transcripts sent to a College, Organization (NCAA, Military Academy nominations, etc.) or for a Scholarship, please complete the following:

Step 1:

  • red button stating Important with an exclamation pointThe Consent for Release of Student Records (IS-111) is a required document that must be received prior to processing transcript requests. The form and directions can be found here: . The form is required for every senior, and only needs to be completed one time.
  • Email this completed form to @email with Subject Line: Consent Form – Last Name, First Name. Please check your school email for a "received" confirmation email from the Transcripts Office if you are not sure if you completed this step.

Step 2: 

  • The Transcript Request Form* should be submitted for each scholarship/college to which you are applying. Initial transcripts will be sent by CVHS by the application deadline once the Transcript Office receives your transcript request form. *Students will need to be logged into their account to access this form. Note: For Rolling Admissions, the earliest date that Centreville HS will send the transcript package to colleges will be October 1st as long as the request is submitted by September 3rd.  For example, a request submitted in July or August will not be sent until October 1st.  After September 3rd, Rolling Admissions will be processed within 30 days after the request is received.  
College Application DeadlineTranscript Request Deadline
October 15September 14
November 1October 3
November 15October 17
December 1November 2
December 15November 15
January 1November 17
January 15December 1
February 1January 2


Step 3:

  • If a counselor letter of recommendation is required, please see below for “Procedures for Requesting a College Recommendation".

Important Information:

Test Scores:  If required, it is the student’s responsibility to have test scores sent directly to each college.  Visit the websites below to have your scores sent.

Current Students (9th, 10th, 11th Grade)

If you need a transcript sent to another High School, please reach out to Emiley Slebrch, Registrar, at 703-802-5422.

Unofficial Transcripts can be downloaded from ParentVUE and StudentVUE.

If you need official transcripts sent for a scholarship or other program (NCAA, Internship, Summer Camp, etc.), please complete the following:

  1. Provide Consent: You must provide your consent to release your records on your behalf. There are two types of consent forms based on the purpose of the release.

    a. The IS-111 form is specific to the postsecondary records process (including, but not limited to, college and scholarship applications, transcripts for employment, the military, or an apprenticeship, etc. All CVHS students must complete this form once before graduating from high school. The form and directions can be found here:

    b. The SS/SE-79 form needs completing for records released for other purposes (summer programs, private school applications, etc.). The form can be found here:

    c. Email each completed form with the subject line as follows: "IS-111" or "SE79", Grad Year, Last Name, First Name to the Transcript Assistant,  @email, with the completed form.

  2. Complete the Transcript Request Form for Underclassmen. Students will need to be logged into their account to access this form.

Graduated/Attended within the last 5 Years

Student records are kept at Centreville High School for 5 years post-graduation.
  1. In order to allow CVHS to release your school record, you must download, complete, and email the following: The Consent for Release of Student Records (IS-111) is a required document that must be received prior to processing transcript requests. The form and directions can be found here: . The form must be completed, signed, and emailed to @email. Please include the subject line "IS-111: Year you left CVHS, Last Name, First Name".
  2. Complete the following form in its entirety. Submit a new form for each separate transcript request. CVHS Recent Alumni Transcript Request Form
  3. Please allow 15 business days (3 weeks) for processing.

Graduated/Attended More Than 5 years Ago

Former Students who Graduated More than Five Years Ago (On or Before June 2019) 
  • If you graduated from Centreville High School more than five years ago, your transcript is held at the FCPS Records Center. Please call 703-329-7741 or email Records Center at @email.

Procedures for Requesting a College Recommendation

Many colleges do not require recommendations. Some colleges require a specific number of recommendations from specific sources (i.e., one teacher or the counselor). With very few exceptions, it is NOT in the student's best interests to submit more recommendations than requested. With a very high volume of applications, admissions committees do not have time to read repetitive letters. Recommendation letters are generally confidential and are not shared with the student or parent.

The need for a counselor recommendation may be used for college applications, scholarships, employment or other programs.  By Sept. 12, 2025, students must submit a completed Counselor Recommendation Packet (student questionnaire, student resume and parent questionnaire) in order to provide enough time for counselors to write recommendations.   Please see the links below for the student questionnaire and parent questionnaire that must be completed by Sept. 12, 2025.