The Wildcat Weekly - March 23, 2025
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Centreville Students, Families, and Community,
Our Inclusion Revolution week was an incredible success! Not only did we have numerous students and staff participate in our spirit days throughout the week, but we were also able to come together as a community to celebrate our Unified Basketball Team during our FanQuest pep rally. This event is truly one of the highlights of the year! It was amazing seeing our Unified Basketball Team being cheered on by the entire student body at our pep rally and by our community at the FanQuest game on Friday night. And they also got to see me get pied in the face numerous times. Thank you to everyone involved in making this week a huge success!
I also want to take a moment to thank School Board members Seema Dixit and Kyle McDaniel for visiting Centreville last week! We were able to discuss important topics impacting our community while also visiting classrooms. Our students showed off their ability to analyze literary elements and our symphony orchestra played an amazing piece for their state assessment. I continue to be incredibly proud of the talent and hard work of our students!
Looking forward, the end of the third quarter is next Friday, March 28. Please take a moment to review grades and check for any missing assignments. If there’s anything that needs attention, now is the time to reach out to teachers for clarification or support. Let's stay focused and finish the quarter strong together!
Thank you and Go Wildcats!
Dr. Erik Healey
Centreville High School
Upcoming EventsMarch 23 - Class of 2025 Yard Signs on Sale
March 27 - Centreville Pyramid Band Concert, 7:00PM
March 28 - International Night, 6:00PM
March 29 - CVHS Drumline Performance, 3:00PM
March 31 - School Holiday (Eid al-Fitr)
April 1 - Student Holiday (Teacher Work Day)
April 3 - Student vs. Staff Volleyball Game, 6:30PM (NEW DATE)
April 4-6 - Prom Dress Shop Open at CVHS
April 8 - PTSA Meeting, Centreville High School Library, 7:00PM
April 9 - Purple Up for Military Families
April 14-18 - Spring Break
March 23 - Class of 2025 Yard Signs on Sale: For the families of the Class of 2025, our yard signs are now available on the PTSA website. Seniors and their families, use this link to purchase your Class of 2025 Yard Sign to proudly display support for your graduating Wildcat! Thank you to the PTSA for their work on continuing this tradition!
March 28 - International Night: Have you ever wanted to taste authentic dishes from around the world, watch incredible cultural performances and even get the chance to show off your culture on stage? Well, International Night is your place! Don't miss this incredible night of culture and celebration. Grab your friends and join us for a trip around the world -- right here in the auditorium on Friday, March 28th from 6-9 pm. Tickets cost $5 OR bring in food or participate in the show to get free admission. We hope to see you there!
March 29 - CVHS Drumline Performance: Centreville Combined Percussion Presents: "Ka’ach" A Journey into the Hearts of the Azteca & Mayan Civilizations. The word Ka’ach originates from the Mayan language and translates to “sacrifice” in English. It represents a significant aspect of Mayan culture, reflecting their deep spiritual beliefs and traditions. Through rhythmic storytelling and dynamic visual elements, the show delves into the daily lives, struggles, and sacred rituals of the indigenous Mayan people. Join us on March 29 at 3:00PM as Centreville Combined Percussion transports you to a world of mystery, resilience, and cultural evolution. This is more than just a performance—it's an immersive historical journey!
April 3 (NEW DATE) - Student v. Staff Volleyball Game: The Student Government Association (SGA) is hosting our annual Student vs. Staff Volleyball game on Thursday, April 3rd at 6:30 PM! Come out and support our Wildcats!
April 4-6 - Prom Dress Shop Open at CVHS: Students from Centreville High School and the Fair Oaks Classroom on the Mall program will open their annual Prom Dress Shop, which aims to help economically challenged students celebrate in style. The shop, which operates out of Centreville High School in Clifton, Va., has helped hundreds of students attend prom each spring by providing prom dresses and accessories at no cost to students. Any area student, not just those from Fairfax County Public Schools, who does not have the funds to purchase a prom dress may choose from hundreds of dresses donated by Macy’s and community members. The Prom Dress Shop is located in the modular classroom building near the stadium, in the student parking lot of Centreville High School, outside of door 12. The shop will be open April 4 from 5:00-8:00PM, April 5 from 2:00-5:00PM, and April 6 from 1:00-4:00PM.
April 9 - Purple Up for Military Families: Purple Up for Military Families is a nationwide initiative dedicated to honoring and supporting military children. Celebrated every April during the Month of the Military Child, Purple Up encourages people to wear purple on Wednesday, April 9 as a visible show of solidarity. The color purple symbolizes the blending of all branches of the military—Army green, Navy blue, Air Force blue, Marine Corps red, and Coast Guard blue. It’s a simple but powerful way for communities to show appreciation for the sacrifices military families make.
Wonderful WildcatsCentreville Chorus Receives High Marks at District Assessment: Congratulations to our singers in Bella Voce and Symphonic Choir for their excellent performances at District XI Choral Assessment! Both choirs received very high ratings – a combination of I’s (Superior) and II’s (Excellent). Both choirs received sight-reading ratings of Superior! We are so proud of these singers for their hard work on some very challenging music. Bravo!
Former Wildcat Receives GMU Alumni Choice Award: Former Centreville student, Haily Kim, in collaboration with a group of students at George Mason University’s Honors College was awarded the Alumni Choice Award this winter, recognizing their work helping the MVLE nonprofit identify and address recruitment barriers that impact staffing for organizations providing support services to those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). MVLE is a nonprofit organization in Fairfax County, VA that seeks to make a profound difference in the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Over the course of the project, the group analyzed recruitment barriers and misconceptions about IDD support services. They created strategies to improve outreach and dispel misinformation, through both digital and traditional media, in order to enhance MVLE’s hiring process. (Source: GMU Honors College Communication).
Important Information
Become Unskippable: Share the Facts: Talking with teens about the facts of fentanyl is a conversation you can’t skip. Learning about fentanyl gives teens a better understanding of the risks and effects of the drug.
Share these important facts with your child:
- Even half a fentanyl-laced pill can be fatal. Just a few salt-sized grains of fentanyl are enough to cause an overdose.
- More than half of local street pills contain a deadly dose of fentanyl. As of 2023, seven in 10 counterfeit pills in the U.S. contain enough fentanyl to cause a fatal overdose.
- Fentanyl is usually taken accidentally. Many people have no idea they’ve taken it until they overdose because you can’t see, smell, or taste it in pills and powders.
- Overdose can happen in an instant. In as little as four minutes, the lack of oxygen can lead to brain damage and even death.
Learn more about how to have conversations with your child in a way that will make you Become Unskippable.
Next Steps in the Budget Process: The next steps in the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process include the School Board presenting the budget to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 22. The Board of Supervisors will then conduct public hearings Tuesday, April 22, through Thursday, April 24. Community members can submit testimony or sign up to speak.
Visit the county government website to view the Fairfax County FY 2026 Advertised Budget. The community is also invited to complete an online survey to provide feedback on the county’s FY 2026 Advertised Budget.
Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process.
Save the Date: Community Conversations with Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid: Your voice matters, and Superintendent Reid wants to hear from you! Share your thoughts and ask questions regarding FCPS on April 7 at Greenbriar West Elementary from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Click on a date to register. Registration is not required but is encouraged for planning purposes.
Childcare and interpretation services will be provided. Events are open to all. Find out about other opportunities to connect with Dr. Reid.
Cameras Installed on School Bus Stop Arms: Cameras have been installed on the stop arms of 50 FCPS school buses. These cameras will be used to identify drivers who pass stopped school buses while children are entering and exiting the bus (called a “stop arm violation”).
Warnings for drivers will begin on Wednesday, April 9. After a 30-day warning period, citations will begin to be issued on Monday, May 12.
According to Virginia law, drivers must stop for stopped school buses with flashing red lights on and their stop signs extended. Motorists should stop when approaching from any direction (unless there is a barrier or median separating their lane from where the bus is stopped). They should remain stopped until everyone is clear and the bus is moving.
We appreciate our law enforcement partners for working with us to improve road safety and reduce accidents. Read more information about the stop arm cameras and all of the ways that we work with our county partners to keep students safe on their way to and from school.
News from Student ServicesService Learning Reminders and Updates: Seniors- all service hours must be VERIFIED by an adult in x2vol by APRIL 21st to be approved before graduation
- Service learning is not required for graduation
- A minimum of 40 hours is required for a service cord
- A minimum of 50 hours is required towards Civics and Science seals
Helpful tips for all students:
- For an activity that you do consistently, please enter ONE submission every few months. Include the date range of that activity (ie. every Saturday from 10am-12pm from Jan. 6, 2024 to May 4, 2024) that adds up to the total number of hours claimed.
- If a parent directly oversees your activity as a part of the sponsoring organization, please indicate that in the description (ie. SYA soccer coach, Girl Scout troop leader, etc). Otherwise, the verifier should be an adult who is not related to you. It cannot be a classmate.
- The description should include your responsibilities as a volunteer and how you spent your time in that service learning activity. It can be 1-2 sentences.
- The reflection should include how you felt and how your volunteerism impacted others. It can be brief but thorough. It should not be a duplicate of your description.
- If you select the science goal in your entry, be sure that your volunteerism is directly related to the application of science (ie. glass recycling, invasive plant management, storm drain labeling, etc.).
More details are on the Service Learning page of the CVHS website:
6001 Union Mill Road, Clifton, VA 20124 | Main Office: 703.802.5400
Attendance: 703.802.5419 | Web | Twitter | Instagram