Service Learning and X2Vol

Making connections between the classroom and the community

Service Learning Expectations and x2VOL Instructions

Service Learning Overview

See these 2 websites for complete information:

FCPS Service Learning Google Site (students can access through FCPS email) and FCPS Public Website

  • Service learning is a teaching method designed to involve students in authentic and meaningful service to their communities. The intent is to instill a sense of civic responsibility by encouraging students to be active contributors to society. It is not an FCPS graduation requirement.
  • Hours are tracked by X2Vol via Naviance. See below for more information.
  • Students need a minimum of 40 approved hours to earn the service cord and 50 approved hours to earn toward the civics and science seals. See more information about FCPS diploma seals here.
  • Hours begin on July 1 in the summer before freshman year and end in the spring of senior year.

Elements of Service Learning

  • Authentic – meets a real community need
  • Intentional – thoughtful and well-planned learning experiences
  • Connects with Curriculum – brings classroom learning to life
  • Reflective – supports global and ethical citizenship
  • Impactful – makes a positive difference in the community
  • Applicable – aligns with interests and goals

Types of Service

Service learning activities are divided into three distinct categories. Each area is listed below with a few examples of the type of service (please note that these are not the only examples).

  • Direct Service: Working with youth through education / recreation programs, working with senior citizens, working with sick or disabled individuals, working with immigrant populations, preparing / serving food for others.
  • Indirect Service: collecting / distributing food items or clothing, organizing fundraisers for special causes or events, engaging in neighborhood beautification projects, engaging in local conservation efforts.
  • Advocacy: informing the public about a variety of issues, working with local political organizations, speaking on behalf of underrepresented segments of the community.


x2VOL is the tool that FCPS uses to support students with finding, tracking, and verifying service hours electronically. Students log in to x2VOL through Naviance.

  • Volunteer hours must be verified by an adult point of contact (POC) before they can be approved by a CVHS administrator. Hours can NOT be verified by a parent unless there are special circumstances (ie. parent is the Scout leader, etc). State that exception in your submission.
  • Students must provide a description of the service, including the date (or date range), hours, and responsibilities. A brief reflection is required sharing how the student felt and how their volunteerism impacted the intended audience/organization/community.
  • If the point of contact has not verified your hours after several weeks, follow up in a timely manner. X2VOL cannot generate another email verification. It is best to communicate respectfully within a month or so to be sure your hours are verified.
  • The Class of 2024 is required to submit all verified service learning hours in x2VOL by April 15, 2024 if they plan to earn the service cord and/or civics seal. Communicate with your point of contact in advance of this deadline so they are aware of the requirement to approve your hours when they are submitted.
  • In addition to seeking your own volunteer opportunities or through extra-curricular or community organizations, students can explore these resources:
    1. Volunteer Fairfax
    2. Fairfax County Government Agencies
    3. Twitter – follow @FCPSServLearn
    4. FCPS Service Learning website
    5. College & Career Corner newsletter- available in Spanish and Korean translations
    6. Local hospitals and nursing homes – become a pen pal with patients or senior citizens

Helpful Tips

  • For an activity that you do consistently, please enter ONE submission every few months. Include the date range of that activity (ie. every Saturday from 10am-12pm from Jan. 6, 2024 to May 4, 2024) that adds up to the total number of hours claimed.
  • If a parent directly oversees your activity as a part of the sponsoring organization, please indicate that in the description (ie. SYA soccer coach, Girl Scout troop leader, etc). Otherwise, the verifier should be an adult who is not related to you. It cannot be a classmate.
  • The description should include your responsibilities as a volunteer and how you spent your time in that service learning activity. It can be 1-2 sentences.
  • The reflection should include how you felt and how your volunteerism impacted others. It can be brief but thorough. It should not be a duplicate of your description.
  • If you select the science goal in your entry, be sure that your volunteerism is directly related to the application of science (ie. glass recycling, invasive plant management, storm drain labeling, tutoring in chemistry, etc.).

Common Questions

What if my x2VOL hours are partially approved or denied? Follow the directions provided by the x2VOL administrator. Usually this has to do with providing a reflection and how your volunteerism aligns with the elements or types of approved service learning. Many times it is because the adult point of contact has not verified your hours. Follow up with that person and have them (or another representative from the organization) email the x2VOL administrator to approve your hours. A denial can mean that the activity does not meet the requirements of service learning as outlined above.

How do I join a group within x2VOL? This is not a necessary step when uploading hours. Please do not worry about it.

Can I use my Honor Society or Scouting hours toward x2VOL goals? Yes, hours performed in service through those organizations can be submitted. The Google site states, “Students who engage in individual projects will be allowed to submit hours earned from non-proselytizing religious activities, scouting requirements, and national society memberships.”

Which steps of the service learning process count as hours? The Google site states, “Students who are involved with planning a service learning project may count that planning time as service learning hours. For example, if a school hosts a canned food drive, students involved in the planning of the drive would earn service hours, while students who only make donations would not. Similarly, students who are performing service as part of a class assignment may count the hours they spend in class preparing for the service, as well as the time they spend in actual service. However, travel time to and from service activities is not counted.”

Can you provide examples that do NOT meet service learning criteria? 

  • A project or activity that benefits only the student, his or her relatives, or friends
  • Attending a meeting, watching siblings, setting a goal, job shadowing
  • Donating purchased or used goods (food, toys, clothes, etc.)
  • Travel time to and from the activity
  • Cleaning out your house and bringing bags to Goodwill

Can you provide examples that DO meet service learning criteria? 

  • Making an item and donating it to a non-profit organization (ie. blankets, face masks, cookies, cards, etc.). Hours should be submitted for the time it takes to make the item, NOT the number of items donated.
  • Planning a drive and collecting donations (see above).
  • Unpaid tutoring, babysitting, dog walking, lawn mowing, coaching

If you have any questions, please contact  one of the CVHS x2VOL Administrators -

Mrs. Stamper (@email)  

Ms. Russ (@email)

Mrs. Parrott (@email)

Mrs. Saccomando (@email