PLUS Period

Information about PLUS, DEAR, and Teacher Advisory

  • Centreville High School has a PLUS period daily from 9:50-10:20. The PLUS period is used in one of three ways, depending on the date: PLUS, Teacher Advisory, and DEAR time.
  • Regular PLUS periods during the week allow teachers to remediate students and/or enrich the curriculum in some way.  Students have an opportunity for extra time with their teachers to complete missing work, make-up assessments, or learn more about a concept.
  • Teacher Advisory is a bi-weekly meeting during PLUS (9:50-10:20), which occurs on Tuesday and Friday. The purpose is to build in a time and space to develop and enhance social emotional learning . These class meetings will include Positive Behavior and RULER lessons, as well as other school-specific items, such as Student Rights and Responsibilities.  RULER (emotional intelligence) and PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support) lessons will occur on Tuesdays and Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) will take place on Fridays during this time.  The goal of DEAR is to encourage independent silent reading for extended periods of time on a daily or weekly basis. Students choose the book they wish to read based on interest and ability.